
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

it's a daily choice

Hi blogworld!

I've decided to start this new little blog endeavor as a way to share my journey {however that looks} to living a healthier, more balanced life.

Let me first start off with the reason behind the blog title:

Daily Choice

I don't believe in diets. When you set out to "lose weight," you end up "finding it" again, and sometimes more!

I've dieted before. I mean, I've dieted quite a bit. I've struggled with weight issues since I was about twelve years old. Luckily, I didn't get into the fads of yo-yo dieting or develop any eating disorders, which I'm very thankful for. But, I did Weight Watchers for a while in high school and it {sort of} worked. I mean, after all, it is simply portion control and not a diet when you really look at it.

That brings me to what I do believe in. I believe in lifestyle change. Making choices everyday to live better. I call it DAILY CHOICE because that's what we have. We have a daily choice to do differently. It doesn't really matter if you had a "bad day" yesterday. So what! You didn't work out and you ate a piece an entire cake {no I've never done that, but it sounds good, right?}. It's a new day and today you can choose to act differently. Why put it off until Monday or the start of the month? We all do it... We make excuses. But there's no better time than right NOW.

This blog won't be perfect, because I'm not perfect. There will be days that I flat out don't follow what I suggest on here. So don't hold it against me. I can choose differently the next day... and so can you!

So who's with me?! Want to make the Daily Choice to live better? 

"Follow" me and my blog {on the left} and comment on this post, letting me know what you want to hear about! My plan is to include workouts, recipes, tips, etc., but I'd love to write about what you really want to hear about!

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